Screen printing goes way back, like way back to 1907. The essential idea of screen printing is that a screen is created to stop the ink from being applied to the whole print area.  We do this by cutting out your design from the screen, which only allows the ink to push through this area.  There’s a whole lot of technical stuff that goes on to do this but we’re keeping it simple.

Anywho, once your screen is setup, we add the ink one colour at a time and pull it over the mesh with a blade or squeegee.  This pushes the ink through the mesh and onto the garment.  We have to ‘flash cure’ each layer of ink before printing the next colour.  Once all of your colours are printed, your shirts go through our tunnel dryer to ensure your print stays in tact for as long as possible.

T-shirt screen printing that’s easy and fun

Pellentesque rutrum sed nibh at commodo. Quisque sollicitudin urna sed quam sagittis varius. Fusce eu lorem eu ex rhoncus maximus. Morbi id velit ut erat blandit vestibulum. Praesent sit amet odio ac nisi sagittis cursus id ut erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed molestie vestibulum orci, et dignissim diam luctus sed. In tincidunt, nisi nec convallis semper, dui ipsum luctus felis, vel mollis turpis nisl non erat. Ut tristique ultrices elit ultrices efficitur. Integer facilisis mivel nunc facilisis, id elementum elit molestie. Ut facilisis velit nec orci imperdiet, nec commodo ligula scelerisque. Duis pretium finibus enim ut lobortis.

Our service process

Step 1:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ipsum nisi, suscipit ut tempus ut, dignissim ut felis. Ut tincidunt malesuada ipsum, a posuere nisi pellentesque sit amet. Fusce et congue nisi, a sodales dui. Proin eu libero eleifend, volutpat augue in, tempor lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam egestas vitae eros vitae volutpat. Donec quis tortor sit amet justo dictum dignissim.

Step 2:

Maecenas turpis arcu, tempus sed dolor id, efficitur sollicitudin orci. Suspendisse bibendum velit vel arcu elementum volutpat. In in blandit enim.

Step 3:

Aenean tristique diam at tempus auctor. In porta justo sit amet scelerisque hendrerit. In vel tempus mi, sit amet posuere mi. Sed vel velit libero. Vivamus convallis diam porta, sagittis dolor at, facilisis urna. Aenean commodo tellus vitae tortor eleifend, sed porttitor justo aliquet.